This record group consists of various records from the office of the Adjutant General of the Michigan Department of Military Affairs and are broken down into four sets. The first set is comprised of records relating to the Michigan National Guard (State Troops). Included are: records of enlistments in from company commanders (1908-19); service record of discharged men (1921-26); muster roll and first return of units mobilized into U.S. service (1917); muster rolls of units in Mexican border service (1917-17); reports of individual service and efficiency in from officers (1912-15); reports of physical examination of officers (1911); reports of quarterly service of commissioned officers (1917); examinations for promotion (ca. 1908-10); reservist's descriptive card (1916-18); certificate of disability for discharge (1917); change of status of officers and enlisted men (1917); monthly reports (1916); inspection reports (1912); rosters (1917-19); return of 32nd and 33rd Infantry Regiments (1917); history (1917-18, 1929); report of physical examination, recruits (1909-10); selected administrative records (1942-60); records relating to drills, target practice, and field instruction (1903-07); circulars, manuals, and table of organization (1950-51); quarterly returns from companies comprising 1st Brigade (1909-16); register of Michigan State Troops (1917-19); record of units comprising Michigan State Troops (1941-47); register of Michigan National Guard personnel prior to Oct. 1940 (ca. 1941); and statistics reporting strength of Michigan National Guard and Michigan Naval Brigade (1905-15). The 2nd set of records relate to the Michigan Naval Force (Militia, Brigade) and includes: record of officers accumulated by the commander (1948-ca. 1961); enlistment and muster-in rolls (1908-17); enlistment papers (1917, 1921-49); index to personnel (1917, 1921-49); register of personnel (1947-53); register of officers (1948-59); history of officers (1948-59); and register of personnel who served in WWI (ca. 1917-18). The 3rd set of records relate to federal armed forces and includes: register of federal Navy and Marine Corps personnel deceased in WWII (1941-45); register of personnel in federal troops who served in the Philippine insurection (1900); and register of deserters from draft (1918). The 4th set of records are iconographic records and is comprised of the motion picture "Welcome to Camp Grayling #4."